Thursday, July 19, 2007

Lisette, Gar-Gar come to the rescue and the truth about my feelings

Okies here it is... I had finially convinced both GarGar and Lisette to guard me it was easire than I imagined. All I had to do was ask them and offer them some food in exchange.

So I laid out some food for both of them. Gar-Gar watched me for the first part of the night then Lisette came in till I woke up in the morning.

I was happy for once I was able to get some peaceful sleep. No Sith spirits would dare come around with GarGar and Lisette there guarding me like this.

We made an aggreement that both of them would do this until my Master returned. In truth although I loved being at the Temple I really missed being at my Master's side. But as it was most likely I'd end up in the way or something like that. Not to mention I'm sure there'd be missions I'd have to go on that I'm sure I'd rather be back at the Temple.

Sometimes days would seem like years when my Master was away. But I guess something all Jedi should learn in their life is patience. I just wish I was more patient than I was at times. I wondered if at times GarGar or Lisette could sense how I was feeling.

I know one time I actually got to missing my Master so much I actually cried myself to sleep. I dont think anyone heard or even cared. Because when I awoke no one was in there. I was still all alone accept for Lisette sleeping in her bed.

The next day I basically stood off to my self, only saying hi to those who said hi first. I stood in the dinning hall in the corner and watched as everyone passed by chatting, laughing, and the like. I found my self content to watch them all so I pulled up a chair and sat there for what seeemed like the entire day.

When I went to bed that night I told GarGar and Lisette all about it. I would've normally have told my Master all of what happened but as it was she wasnt here so now only GarGar and Lisette were here to hear about all the happenings.

I had to admit I was actually getting to enjoy their company at night. The nice thing about GarGar and Lisette was they never lectured me on hot to hold my saber or how and when to bow or how to address one of the DElder Jedi in the Temple, it was like I had found 2 new best friends within the Jedi Temple.

(sorry this ones a short one and it took me so long to post it, I have been very busy with rl stuff)

(oh BTW, Thank you my good friend Dark Jedi Kriss and my Master and good friend Phobia Deimos for letting me borrow GarGar and Lisette for this segment)


Anonymous said...

GarGar is good company. Just watch that tail of his. He knows how to use it. LOL!

Skywalker said...


Whoa, excuse me. I thought I smelled kitty.

Word to the wise. Dont let him sleep on your bed. He'll get on your face, use your nose for a pillow.

Jon the Intergalactic Gladiator said...

Dogs are typically better guard animals. Plus they have the advantage of rarely stealing your lasagna.

Phobia said...

*grins* I'll be back sooner than you think. In fact I'm on my way back to the temple now. And I have good news ^_^ you'll see when I get there

Godfrey Zebulon said...

If they try to get up on the bed deter them with a ball of yarn. Don't forget Odi is also there to keep an eye on you.

Catia Ravenstone said...

Heh.. I have bigger fish to fry than you Belda.. But we'll meet again soon enough..

Tash199 said...

well if u dont have allergies like SOME people go ahead let them sleep with u they won't bug ya to much