Tuesday, April 15, 2008

spring fever

Well Spring time here at the Jedi Temple has hit! I for one love it... the fresh breeze, the birds, the bee's buzzing in the trees... Ha ha ha... Spring break at the Temple means time to take it slightly easy and enjoy the outdoors a little more.

Here's a typical spring day at the Temple...

7:30 am I awake, get showered and dressed.

8:15 am I head down to the cafeteria where I will have a grand selection on what to eat. Pancakes, Waffles, Cereal, Eggs and Toast... Hmm today i picked Pancakes. Very delicious in my terms.

9:00 am sharp my first class starts. It is History of the Jedi, and the Galaxy. A subject I wish I could play hooke from but I know it is needed. Class lasts 45 min, then next class starts on the Hour. All classes last 45 min and start on the hour. We get a lunch break at 12:00 PM till 12:50 pm. We have classes till 3:00pm. Then after classes we are free till the next day. Though I spend a majority of my day in classes, the lessons are light and the homework is light too. So no complaints from me.

So after classes was done, I went to the room of fountains. I like it in there. Sometimes I must say I am tempted to jump into the fountains and splash in the water... Such behaviors are considered disrespectful, but entertaining to say the least.. well to me at least. Today in particular was one of those days when fighting the temptations was very hard. I mean why have a fountain if you cant jump into it and play? I sat in that room for about 20 min then decided to head to the middle of the quad where I could get some fresh air.

Out there I saw lots of amazing things, birds, tree's, buzzing bee's, flowers, grass... I would not be able to meditate out here without the distractions... I took myself over to the viewing gates and looked out on Coruscant. I never knew that such a small planet could fit such a large population before... I mean there must be a Billion people here on Coruscant if not more... All having their own private adventures, and private lives probably not even paying any attention to this huge Jedi Temple that seemed to look out upon it like a huge castle.... and here I am living at the Jedi Temple and am still in many ways a Youngling and in many ways a Young Padawan... I mean I often wonder where everyone is heading to in their own private lives? Do they have families, if so do they eat dinner together? Many questions ran through my head. I found myself wanting to go and be with them... to enjoy their company.
I lingered there for quite a while pondering one question after another. I fell asleep while sitting there daydreaming as I often did to pass the time away. I saw in my dream a different Coruscant... a darker Coruscant... I knew it was a dream because I had dreamt this sort of thing before in the past. Oh how I wished these dark dreams would stop!

I woke up just as the Dinner chime went off... Wow it was 6:00pm and I had did absolutely nothing all day except for going to my classes. I decided to go for a walk after the dinner meal. I decided I would only walk to Dex's Diner and get me some ice cream... I had the credits and after all I was indeed 11 yrs old now. Surely I was old enough to go out side the Temple for a walk?

I ate my dinner quietly and hurried back to my room to get a few things and headed to the Temple gate. I was stopped once by Mistress ShaakTi, whom asked me where I was heading and frowned at the idea of me going out on my own. After about a 20 min debate She relented and let me go on the walk on one condition... I see trouble I immediately head back here or if it gets too dark outside. She also reminded me that the gates would be closed in 2 hrs and 10 min. So I made haste and was at Dex's diner in about 20 min. When I got there everything was cool. No problems, nothing to worry about, or so I could sense... Little did I know I had been followed by a person in a dark cloak.

TBC... See whats happening and who's following me and why next time?

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