I saw Master Denowai in the garden. I called out to her and told her what Master Windu had told me to. Go get Master Denowai and tell her to report to the Council Chambers as soon as paoosible. When I was her there in the garden, something said that today something major in my life was going to change.
She placed her hands on my small shoulders "You have done well Youngling," She lightly stated "I see you becoming a great Jedi some day." as she took her hand off my shoulder and she looked deeply into my deep colbolt blue eyes before asking me "Now will you be so kind as to walk with me to the council chambers?"
She saw me as becoming a great Jedi some day? I thought.... "Yes Master Denowai I will walk with you to the Council chambers."I said with great enthusiam. I always loved any excuse to get to go to the Council Chambers. I thought to my self and I am guessing Master Denowai might have read my little mind. Master Denowai and I walked along the long hallways and up the stairs. Before we knew it we were there.
I followed right behind her into the Council Chambers. I saw Master Yoda who smiled right back at me. I adored Master Yoda and loved listening to him speak. Sitting right next to Master Yoda was Master Windu , I thought there was no wiser Jedi. I glanced over and I saw Master Kenobi, I loved how Master Kenobi always seemed to know what to do. Sitting next to Him was Master Anakin the Chosen One! To even be in His presance was the coolest thing. I then turned my attention back to Master Denowai and smiled. She smiled back at me. I then turned to leave when Kenobi spoke up. "Belda, we would like you to stay, please?" He said in a gentle voice.
Master Kenobi wanted me to stay? How cool is this? I thought. It's not everyday us younglings get to go into the Council Chambers. I looked at Master Denowai to see if it was ok and again she read my mind and nodded yes. So I responded "Yes I will stay, Master Kenobi." I stood there by Master Denowai.
Oh I saw you there and the rest of the Council, I was trying to maintain focus tis all, I mean me in the Council Chambers? I think it had to be all the excitement....
Becarful, Obis will talk your ear off.
You have a master now? How wonderful!
Anakin, I dont talk alot, I teach!
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