Monday, December 04, 2006

Whats a Padawan like me to think?

Hello there, First I wanted to thank Dark Jedi Kriss for helping me with the links and graphics on my little blog. Thanks a bunches Kriss! Second I wanted to thank everyone from the bottom of my heart for the holo's you have left me! That made my day to see all those happy holo's. Now that the thanks has been given I shall continue on with my blog for this week. I had made it to all my classes ontime this week without any delays.

Today I went to the cafateria and there on the tables were these delicous brownies! I didnt use any restraint, I went over and took one. That had to be the best brownie I have ever had. Thanks Qui-Gon Jin and JJ! Not to worry, there were plenty left the last time I was there.

While there I met Jaba and Barriss. Both were vert informative and we discussed many things. Like how fear, anger, and hate will lead you down the path to the dark side. From last weeks lecture we learned " A Jedi is to know no anger, nor fear, nor hatred." I am not sure I truelly get ti myself. If we are to not know these emotions, how will we learn to defeat them? I think I may have just confused myself again.

I also told her of the "evils" you know the whispers in the room when you know no one is there but you. I hear them asking me to join them on the dark side of the Force. She said that the "evils" are not just operating at nightime but the daytime and that we should be mindful of them. We went into deeped discussions about the "evils" and even discussed the Phantom evil that has came into my room. Although the idenity of this Phantom remains a mystery, I shall be more leary of Him! Whom ever he is.

Oh how I wish I had a Master to help explain all this stuff to me? Speaking of such... I also learned about this place called the Jedi Corps! It made me a little nervous! Although I know I really dont have anything to be concerned about. She mentioned how there were different Jedi Corps. This got me thinking "how's a padawan like myself gonna get herself a Master? Barriss then told me "You need not look, they'll find you." I sighed a sigh of relief.

Well thats what's been going on from a padawan's point of view....


Anonymous said...

Well, when I come back... if I get back. Maybe I could be your Master. That is if I'm still in Order.

Skywalker said...

Don't fret about getting a Master. AS Obi-Wan says, when the Force is ready for you to have one, you will.

Ce Ce Denowai said...

And did Barriss knowledge help you at all?

Master Obi-Wan said...

We will find you a master soon.

padawanbeldapinik said...

Hello there....
Master Kriss, Oh that would be so awesome, I do hope you get to return soon? You are missed! Everyone here is looking for you!

Master Skywalker, I wont worry to much more, I know the Force will guide the right Master to me.

CeCe, Yes Master Barriss helped me very much. She made me feel welcomed no matter what that evil Phantom was telling me!

Master Kenobi, I know it'll happen, I just know it!

Aayla Secura said...

If I was still at the temple I would take you on as a padawan but I'm not. And besides talk to Erifia, she's wonderful teacher. (NOT!)

Anonymous said...

You have a point, Jaba. lol I may not.

Jean-Luc Picard said...

Good luck to you!