Sunday, February 18, 2007

Ok class was in session, er just starting when Master Kenobi and Master Yoda came in to visit. I was late and and oh man was I gonna be in trouble this time! Or at least so I thought so... I decided to pull off a quick one by entering the class backwards with the head cover down over my face. Well at least they wouldn't laugh at my hair that day! I smiled as I entered the class trying to pull it off like I had been there early.
Jaanse, wasnt too impressed but, Jukesi was entranced by how I played it off. Jukesi whispered "Good one Belda, I dont think they saw you." I nodded and said "Shhhhh. If they catch me, I'll be doing K.P. for the next few weeks!" I wasn't about to make a scene. So I quietly slipped into the very back of the class and pretened to like nothing was wrong.
Well that nearly worked until Jiimy asked me " Belda why are you back there with us?" "Sssshhhhh, I cam in late and didn't want to get into trouble again." I replied for what seemed to be kinda became repeative and annoying. I almost wanted to hide behind the drapery in hopes to not become noticed. I stood there and attempted to look like I was paying attention. The instructor was talking about How we can use the Force to guide our actions I began to daydream about the dance the other night.. All I could think about was his warm cheek, and how he told me to come over to him and kiss his cheek. I began to blush a bright red as I thought more and more about it.

What brought me out of it was Master Yoda tapped the floor near me with his cane and was apperently not impressed with what I apperently was doing. I had gotten so wrapped up into the day dreaming that my lips had puckered up. I turend a bright red with embarassment when I realized I had dozed off in class again. I was in so much trouble! Master Yoda didnt say anyhting to me in calss but after class I was given the long lecture of how we should be mindful! I lucked out in not having extra work to have to do for dozing off. After all this was my first time getting caught.


Phobia said...

That's what mind shields are for .. I have a feeling you and I are going to need to have a talk..

Master Obi-Wan said...

Belda, you must focus. Be mindful of your thoughts.

Master Adana said...

Master Yoda does not miss a beat, believe me. He knows everything.

Phobia said...

*chuckles* well not entirely everything.. He says I am still a puzzle to him.. why I don't know

Master Obi-Wan said...

Yoda is a puzzle to me sometimes.

Phobia said...

ditto that.. dirves me nuts trying to figure him out

Skywalker said...

Yoda is always a riddle...

Anonymous said...

He doesn't blother me. But then again I deal with sith lords...

Anonymous said...

blother? LOLOLOL opppps typo!

Godfrey Zebulon said...

Everyone does it Kriss.. and Belda, Pho is right, your shields need work. Some hard training might do you good.It'll make you focus, and remember how to get in that state of mind