Thursday, March 01, 2007

A week without my Master Phobia, and a night to rember

Well, when I got word that my Master was heading out to Corellia for a week from tomorrow I felt like I was going to be sad. But then it struck me why not have a small slumber party in my room. I could even inviate GarGar to make us giggle... So for 1 1/2 hrs, I spent making out inviations. I wanted to make sure all my friends were inviated.
Here was the List...
I was limmited due to the space on whom all I could inviate so I made sure my room was clean. After I cleaned my room I made my way down to the cafateria to meet up with my friends and handed them their inviations to my slumber party. Although I do wish my Master was going to be there. Maybe with any luck Master Adana would look in on us? Another person I was really missing was Master Kriss. It had been months since she was last at the Temple and now she's with Lord Darth Vader. He is a powerful Sith Lord who also came to the Dance we had here a few weeks ago. Master Kriss seems to like it there where she is sometimes I wonder if she'll ever return?
Once the inviatations were handed out I sat down to eat my dinner. My friends kept me company as we ate. We talked about the games we wanted to play at the party. I made a list of the games as they named them off, and from the looks on the list We'd be lucky if any of us got any sleep.
That night just before the party, I went over all the last minute preperations and made sure we had plenty of suplies for all the games we had planned on playing. I layed out my best pj's and waited for them to arive. Soon enough they were all there...
Here was the list as we did them in order...
1. (game) Whats your favorite...? (this is a game you list all your favorite things).
2. We talked about who we thought was the cutest Jedi...
3. We went and raided the refrigerator and got loads of ice-cream, popcorn and soda. (We were gonna be hyper now).
4. We played Truth or Dare. (now that was fun, I will not tell of what we did, cuz well we'd all be in big trouble).
5. We watched the Holovision...
6. Some how we all ended up asleep.
Durring the middle of the night I woke up to a strange noise. Someone was attempting to crash my party... I guessed everyone else heard the noise because one by one we all began to wake up. Jessa, Samma and Lissa all had their sabers lit. Who ever it was that was trying to crash our party was not going to get a warm welcome. I was the only one brave enough to get out of my sleeping bag and head towards where the intruder was. I lit my saber for a light and approached the tall figure. I gasped when I was who it was.... A Sith! He was cloaked so I couldnt see him all that well, all I could make out was his Crimsom saber and his Red/Yellow eyes I was frightened! We all screamed...
Well, To be continued soon...


Phobia said...

I go away for one week and this happens* headdesk* I'd much rather it be Vader than who I think it might be.. Belda find one of the other masters. I don't care who. and wherein all hells did Cin go? he was supposed to keep an eye on you!

Anonymous said...

Who did you vote as the cutest Jedi?
I think I know...

padawanbeldapinik said...

why Anakin Skywalker ofcoarse, tee-hee Master Kriss...
Fear not my Master, this Sith may become surprised if he falls off to sleep there!

Skywalker said...

I knew it...
Urm... Thank you.

Darth Vader said...

Hardly the cutest.

The most whinny, yes.