Monday, March 05, 2007

I came out as this...

You scored as You are not a Dark Lord, you are a Jedi!. What? So be it Jedi, if you will not be turned... you will be destroyed! After all, your feeble skills are no match for the power of the dark side! (Please rate this quiz a 5 before you die, thank you...)

You are not a Dark Lord, you are a Jedi!

Exar Kun - 33%

Darth Traya - 33%

Darth Sidious/ Palpatine - 33%

Freedon Nadd - 22%

Naga Sadow - 17%

Darth Malak - 11%

Darth Bane - 11%

Marka Ragnos - 0%

Kaan - 0%

Darth Vader - 0%

Darth Plagueis - 0%

Darth Revan - 0%

Darth Nihilus - 0%

Which Dark Lord of the Sith are you? (new version)
created with


Anonymous said...
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Darth Vader said...

hmmm yesssss figures, doesn't it?

How long will that last?

Tash199 said...

excuse me belda why was I banned from the cbox?

padawanbeldapinik said...

Sorry I thought you were a spammer. I added your blog to my list of blogers. If you wanna bring your friends into a chat please use the chat box in starwars unpluged at If you wish to chat with me, pm me via my msn account at My chat box it for rpg only.

Jon the Intergalactic Gladiator said...

You're not evil are you? Where's the test to find out what good Jedi you are?

Tash199 said...

ok thank u Belda