Thursday, November 01, 2007

They're Back!

Hello there.... As usual I woke up the next few days bored out of my mind. all I had to keeping me company was my lessons. I decided to take a brake. Something inside me told me to go down the hall and into the meditation room... And to my surprise, there she was... After all this time now sat was Master CeCe Denowai! I couldnt believe my eyes! I ran up to her and quietly sat next to her. She looked over at me and smiled.

"Hello there Belda..." CeCe Smiled.

"Master CeCe, hello there.." I still couldnt believe my eyes.

"I know your gonna ask, where I have been. I was on a mission, an unexpected mission far to dangerous for you to have gone with me." She said.

"I tried to wait Master CeCe for you to return. I was told you may not ever be comming back." I felt kinda bad because I obviously didnt wait long enough.

"It's ok Belda, the Council must have thought something close to what you had felt and..." She looked sad.

"Master CeCe, my Master Phobia she's really good. She teaches me alot of things, like how to use the Force to sheild myself." I smiled.

"Belda, is that orthodox to be learning?" She had a very concerned look on her face.

"Yes, I think it is, I think it is essentual. I sense I may need to use such a gift in the future" I said simpily.

"Belda? Really now... But yes I know who Master Phobia is. I know she will teach you very well, but if you ever need someone to talk to, I am here." She said with a smile.

"Yes Master CeCe." I said.

"I see you have made your first saber... tell me all about it?" Her smile was so sinsere.

For over an hour I spoke with her telling her how I made my first saber and of all the going on's around the temple. I told her about all about Catia, Marasha, and Master Godfrey. I told her of how the Phantom Evil had stoped haunting my bedside. After I had filled her in, she offered for me to join her in walking to the main hall. I accepted. When we got there I saw my Master! I ran up to her.

"My Master!" I ran, and jumped up into her arms. I couldn't believe my eyes. When I turned around Master CeCe was still behind me walking towards us smiling. This was indeed a very happy day.

I waved hello to Master Godfrey while my Master Phobia swung me around. It was fun. I cannot remember ever being so happy. I wanted this moment to last forever. But somehow I knew things were on the change and fast too.

When my Master Phobia put me down I filled her in on what I had done while she had been away. I even told her about the failed grade I got in Tacticts class 101. I was not good at planning counter attacks.

"Belda, You must study more..." Master Godfrey said.

"I tried" I said...

"Belda, trying is for the Sith, Jedi do or we do not, there is no try." Phobia responded.

I nodded yes. They were right. I needed to study harder. I may need that skill one day. I became determined to pass that class.

Master Phobia smiled because she knew I would pass that class if it was the last thing I did. "Belda, I only want you to be the best at everything you can so in later times you dont give up or give in to temptations of the dark side" Phobia said.

"Yes, my Master. I will do better from now on, I will become great Jedi like everyone else here... I will one day!" I said.

"Speaking of lessons, Belda... How is your reading and writing going?" Phobia asked.

I seemed rather embarrased, but I blurted out I got a D - in it. Master Godfrey and Phobia loooked at eachother then at me. I could see the shock and surprise in their eyes.

"Belda, a D-? I am shocked! What have you been doing, skipping class or falling asleep again?" Godfrey asked he didnt look so happy.

"I've been there in class, I just havent been able to grasp it tis all" I said.

"Belda, this isnt good... How do you expect to become a Jedi with failing grades? Not to mention it is a embarrassment... I want you to study harder or else... " Godfrey said.

I nodded yes. He was right. I needed to study harder.

"Belda it is not like you to slack off like this, what is bothering you? I know that look on your face... " She knelt down by me and looked into my eyes. I just looked down. I couldn't tell her what it was, what I was sensing was about to happen... But she was right, there was something hindering my studies... I sensed death...

"Ah it is um... well, I dont think it's important, my Master." I said.

"Belda, dont try that blocking trick with me, please tell me, what is troubling you?" Phobia asked.

Master CeCe, also knelt down near me. She had a look of determineation and concern on her face. "Belda, you Master is asking you something, do not block her out. what is wrong?"

The only responce I could give anyone was tears. I sensed something and this time I couldnt tell anyone... I couldnt tell them of what I saw in my dreams the last few weeks. Of what kept me awake and shakeing at nights. Of the destruction I was forseeing....

All three of them exchanged glances and looked at me... "Belda? It is not right to block you Master, now tell us." Godfrey said sternly.

"I can't, you would not believe me... No one would, no one will listen..." I said and began to cry. Phobia held me close to her.

"Dont cry Belda, it is ok, everything is gonna be ok, I am here Master Godfrey's here Master CeCe is here, we are all here for you Belda, everything is going to be ok. I promise you." Phoia wiped away the tears on my face. "I wish you would tell me whats wrong, but I will give you space to tell me on your own. So when you are ready, I want you to come and tell me ok?"

I sniffled and nodded yes. Eventually I would tell her... I knew it wouldnt be right holding back forever.


Thursday, September 20, 2007

What I do for fun when all alone

Well this week at the Temple things were happening all around. With lots of the Jedi off planet or on Missions... I seemed left out as usual so I spent most of my time either in my room or in my classes. I sometimes would lurk in the dinning room and in the halls sitting in my usual spots... Yes on the steps, off to the corner, out of the way, watching everyone pass me by.... I find it fun and amusing sometimes to just watch everyone comming and going. Sometimes I'd catch a Master and their Padawan together talking. Or I'd see some of the Masters standing off to a corner just speaking to one another. Being here I sometimes felt invisible. Which was ok. I would practicing shielding myself from others sensing my presence. Something I am glad my Master Phobia has taken the time to show me how to do. It is funny to know this ability. I can sneak up on people, listen to others, or just hide. I used this cloaking talent to do the later of the three. It was not like I wanted to hide, I just felt like sometimes I needed to observe everyone else without being noticed. Today here's what I saw....

I saw Master Yoda. He was sitting down thinking Force knows what. I could tell He was in deep thought cuz he totally missed two younglings who were off in another corner making funny faces at him. I nearly broke my concentration and almost got discovered. I recon it continued for over five minutes till one of the head instructors came out and spotted them. He didnt scold them out loud He simply told them to stop that and to go into their class and await for the Instructor to come in.

I also saw Master Windu looking out one of the windows, I am guessing he likes to look out the windows too. I nearly went over to him to ask him something, but thought it best I not and that it best I just sit here.

Down the hall I saw Master Shaak Ti and Master Barriss talking. They looked like they was having a grand time. Though I still cant get the immage I saw on Master Shaak Tis face when Master Barriss said something to her. Master Shaak Ti's eyes got huge like saucers. When things like this happen I use my immagination to figure things out. Yeah one could say I was officially bored at this point.

I did this watching till around lunch time came around. I walked as usual unnoticed to the Temple Cafiteria got some food and sat at a table way off in the corner all alone. Lunch today was fish with potato sticks, vegies, and a little thing of fruit and a cup of juice.

When I finished my lunch, I went to my class of History. I didnt care all to well for History, my theory is, why should I learn about the past when todays problems are yet to be solved? Besides the Instructor was all "Bla bla" *Tee-hee* When History class ended, I darted out faster than a bolt of lightening... I had about fifteen minutes to make it to saber training class. One more late time and I'll be stuck behind in that class after lessons. I ran down the hallway and made it into class with about seven minutes to spare. I walked in and took a seat on the floor closest to the wall. Master Cinn had returned that morning and wasnt in a good mood. I stayed quiet and did as told. After class he pulled me aside to ask me...

"Belda, it isnt like you to hide as you have been doing, whats wrong?"

I geuss he must have sensed I was feeling bored and a bit lonely... I just shrugged my shoulders and said "No Sir, Master Cinn nothing is wrong, everything is um ok..."

He gave me a concerned look then noded. "You may go now"

At that I darted off to my Meditation spot. The only one I know of. I sat in my secret spot and cried silently. In reality something was wrong... I missed my Master. I feel left out, invisible, like no one would even notice if I disapeared all together. I must have been there a long time cuz I heard the Meal Tone sounding off. I got up and walked to the Temple Cafateria. About this time I was starting to wonder if I truelly belonged here? Dinner was ok, it was some kind of casarol surprise with a dinner roll and some tea to drink. As I did at lunch, I did at dinner, I ate all alone.

After dinner I decided to head off to the Archives. I loved to look at all the bright Holo's. I walked up and down every row till I came to the back of it. There were so many holo's. I finially found one I thought I'd like. I reached for it and went over to a sitting area and began to read it. It was very intresting... Madame Nu told me she wanted to close up the Archives early tonight and hepled me to check out the Holobook. I took the holo back to my room and showed it to Guardian my bear, my one true friend in the whole galaxy. After I showed him the holobook, I told him of all my adventures and happenings that had occured throughout the day.

I am so glad Guardian doesnt leave, He's a great friend...

Monday, August 06, 2007

True confessions of the Heart and Jedi Slayers

I sat there next to my Master Phobia, in the healers. I hated being there, I really did. Too many memories of big needles and pain in this place. Yeah you got that right I am afraid of shots! Being here didnt help. So I sat here next to Master Godfrey clutching his hand every now and again. I didnt want Master Windu or Master Cin to notice I was scared. I looked up and saw Master Skywalker on the Holoscreen. He looked like he was tired. Poor Master Skywalker I thought to myself. I stared at his flickering image for what seemed like forever. I felt a slight tremmor in the room, it was my Master waking up.

"Master, are you alright?" I asked.

All she did was mumble and I could not make out anything she was saying. I sat there and looked up at Master Godfrey. He looked down at me and smiled softly. I listened to what Master Windu and Master Cin was saying and thought to myself, 'A Jedi Slayer? Great, now we have a crazed lunatic possibly within our midst... Just swell, Lovely, really Lovely...'

The part that got to me was Master Cin was trying to accuse my Master of doing this or having something to do with this. How dare he! Master Godfrey must have picked up on what I was feeling and tugged sharply at my sleve and sternly looked at me as if to say 'Do it Belda, and you'll be doing some extra work for the next few months!'

I saw that look and backed down quickly. I have to admit I was not happy Master Cin had out rightly accused my Master. I looked at Master Godfrey and then back at my Master then at the floor. Master Godfrey was right, it isnt my place to challange Master Cin. It is the place of the Force itself to do so. I began to feel ashamed of even feeling this way. I mean after all it was Master Cin who came to my rescue when that Phantom Sith first came into my room and scared the dark side outa all of us girls. So I took a deep breath and looked back at the floor.

I looked up after I had inwardly corrected my heart and saw Master Cinn looking at me. He smiled and said to me...

"Belda, little Belda... I did not mean to cause you offence, trust me. But Your Master was the last one seen with Jedi Samantha Harris, we must look at everyone as a suspect. Though If I remember correctly, Jedi Harris was never nice to your Master. I know your Master would not strike anyone down, she was always one of my best pupils. Would you know of who it might have been?"

I had a blank surprised stare on my face. He spoke to me, and it wasn't in a harsh fashion neither... wow... I looked at my Master then Master Cin, I thought about what he said and shook my head no. To be honest this was very much a mystery. I looked at Master Windu. Sometimes I could sense like he could if he wanted to stare right through you. This I found to be most uncomfotable at best anoying.
Master Cin nodded in responce to my answer. He looked over at Master Windu and both decided to leave. I looked up and realized that my Master was speaking with Master Skywalker. I truelly adored Him. I thought the Sun litterly rose and set on Him. *sigh*
I then decided it was best that my Master needed some rest so I exited and went down the hall. I couldn't help notice something was definately different about my Master. She seemed different. And what was the talk of Mara and Tai, who are they? No record of them being at the Temple... I knew better than to question my Master, but I felt she was the only one who could answer me. I sometimes felt alone and left out. Why am I feeling like this? I knew where I stood amongst my peers. There is no real reason to question my Masters doings, is there?
I continued to walk down the halls and to my room. I felt alone, truelly alone. I did the best I could to shake the feeling of lonelyness off of me and go to bed. I couldnt sleep, all I could do was cry. So I layed there crying softly into my pillows. No one would know, and I doubt anyone would even care. I cried myself to sleep.
I wanted to thank everyone for stopping by and taking the time out of your busy lives to read my blog stories.

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Lisette, Gar-Gar come to the rescue and the truth about my feelings

Okies here it is... I had finially convinced both GarGar and Lisette to guard me it was easire than I imagined. All I had to do was ask them and offer them some food in exchange.

So I laid out some food for both of them. Gar-Gar watched me for the first part of the night then Lisette came in till I woke up in the morning.

I was happy for once I was able to get some peaceful sleep. No Sith spirits would dare come around with GarGar and Lisette there guarding me like this.

We made an aggreement that both of them would do this until my Master returned. In truth although I loved being at the Temple I really missed being at my Master's side. But as it was most likely I'd end up in the way or something like that. Not to mention I'm sure there'd be missions I'd have to go on that I'm sure I'd rather be back at the Temple.

Sometimes days would seem like years when my Master was away. But I guess something all Jedi should learn in their life is patience. I just wish I was more patient than I was at times. I wondered if at times GarGar or Lisette could sense how I was feeling.

I know one time I actually got to missing my Master so much I actually cried myself to sleep. I dont think anyone heard or even cared. Because when I awoke no one was in there. I was still all alone accept for Lisette sleeping in her bed.

The next day I basically stood off to my self, only saying hi to those who said hi first. I stood in the dinning hall in the corner and watched as everyone passed by chatting, laughing, and the like. I found my self content to watch them all so I pulled up a chair and sat there for what seeemed like the entire day.

When I went to bed that night I told GarGar and Lisette all about it. I would've normally have told my Master all of what happened but as it was she wasnt here so now only GarGar and Lisette were here to hear about all the happenings.

I had to admit I was actually getting to enjoy their company at night. The nice thing about GarGar and Lisette was they never lectured me on hot to hold my saber or how and when to bow or how to address one of the DElder Jedi in the Temple, it was like I had found 2 new best friends within the Jedi Temple.

(sorry this ones a short one and it took me so long to post it, I have been very busy with rl stuff)

(oh BTW, Thank you my good friend Dark Jedi Kriss and my Master and good friend Phobia Deimos for letting me borrow GarGar and Lisette for this segment)

Saturday, June 30, 2007

Chassing Dreams... Chassing Kitties

Well my Master Phobia and Master Godfrey left for another mission. I was told this mission wouldn't be safe for me so I was left behind. I didnt like the idea of being left behind at all.

The last time this happened an unknown Sith came into my room and well ruined things for me. I'll never forget how scared I felt being tormented by the Sith.

Not to mention I got into a heap of trouble with Master Cin over the whole ordeal. It wasn't like I had offered my room to this Sith and told him to invade the Temple. He was an unviated guest.

I was not about to let another uninviated guest show up in my room, so I decided to meditate and ask of the Force what to do. I didn't feel right asking anyone else for help.

I sat on the floor in a comfortable position as I was taught to do and began to meditate. As I did so I began to see many things, some of it I could understand, others I had no clue as to what they meant.

The one vision I saw was of a Jedi/Sith in Dark Clothing comming in covered in blood. He looked angry and like he wanted to kill more as if he had no remorse for his deeds.

Another vision I got was of Catia and Marisha comming into the Temple and reaking havic. They were also accompied by this Jedi/Sith. All three of them leaving death in their wake!

Yet another vision I saw was a Jedi in white fighting the Jedi/Sith, great waves of love surrounded the Jedi in white.

All these visions kinda scared me... I knew something was about to happen and very soon. There had to be something I could do.... Anything!

I began to cry for all the things I had seen. I must have cried half of the day because I haddent noticed the time. I had become hungry... So I got up, dryed my eyes and went to the dinning area.

As usual the dinning area was filled with other Jedi like myself. Some were more advanced than me, others were at my level. I went to the line for where we go to get our food and waited.

As I waited in line I saw my friends Sarrah and Lissa in line ahwead of me. They turned back and waved.

"Belda? When did you get back? Where's your Master?" Sarrah asked.

"We got back last night late. They went on a Mission and left me here." I said.

"Oooh... Did you know that there are Jedi who are missing?" Lissa chimed in.

I nodded yes.

"Come join us Belda?" Both Lissa and Sarrah said to me in unison as theygrabbed their trays and went towards the tables to sit and eat. I sometimes wondered if Lissa and Sarrah were actually releated? They often thought and even said things in unison.

"Okay, I will." I responded. I went up to the counter to see what was being served. It was a casarole dinner with what looked like it had noodles, beans and meat.

This wasn't my favorite dinner but at least it filled you up. I could tell NandeHi wasn't the cook today. NandeHi always made food taste much better.

I went to where Lissa and Sarrah was sitting. I always loved sitting amongst my friends. They made me laugh.

As we sat and ate a funny thought came into my head. The kind of thought that made many of the Jedi Masters including my own Master get nervious. "Tee-Hee" I laughed.

Lissa and Sarrah knew that when I had this look I was up to something or about to get into something. I thought it would be good to get one of the Temple cats to stay in my room for the night. All I needed was bait.

I thought of the many ways to bribe a cat into staying in my room with me. I made a silent pledge to take good care of the lucky kitty.

"Belda? Belda? HEY BELDA! WAKE UP!" Sarrah said.

"Huh?" I responded...

"Belda, what are you thinking of? We know that look... All too well!" Lissa said with a knowing look in her eyes.

"Uh well, I'll tell you in a minute when I work out the finnery and the details, then I'll let you in on my thoughts." Clearly by now I had definatelly I had learned how to block my thoughts from prying minds. *tee-hee*

I thought about my plan and pondered the plan on what was to happen. Then it was settled, I'd just go up to where the Kitties were and entice one of them to follow me. *tee-hee* As I worked out the finner detials my two friends became impatient with me and asked me again... "Belda, common tell us what your thinking?"

"Ok, I want one of the Temple Kitties to stay in my room with me until my Master and Master Godfrey returns." I said.

They both looked an me with blank faces and then looked at one another and said "huh?"

"Well, I happen to know that Marisha and Catia aren't too fond of kitties, and well i dont think the kitties are too fond of them either?" I said.

"Oooh..." They said.

"Is Marisha still plaugeing you Belda?" Lissa asked.

"Yes" I said.

"Oh this isn't good. Not good at all..." Sarrah said.

"Yeah, not good at all! Not one bit..." Lissa agreed.

"I will defeat her one day, she'll slip up and well, it'll be her end soon!" I said.

"Is Catia still trying to bug you? Your Master?" Sarrah asked.

I nodded yes. Catia was another problem in itself. How could I help my Master rid herself of this horrioble demon woman? Until my Master's free, she'll suffer much.

Right now I had to figure out which kitty I was gonna beg to stay with me for the durriation of the time my Master was away. I knew I couldn't just go over to them and pick them up and take them with me. This was a delicate process that had to be thought through carefully and percisely.

I looked at my two friends to see if they had an idea as to whick kitty I'd ask to help guard me and my room. Niether one seemed to have any ideas. I knew I had to do this on my own... I knew I couldnt tell anyone of the 3 dreams/visions I saw earlier to do such a thing would bring about chaos.


(update, I am not sure if or when *I'm hoping it'll be very soon that I'll return* I'll be on line again because my internet is susposed to be cut off soon. Please keep me in your thoughts... I will miss you all dearly! Thank you for reading my blog. Please continue to stop by incase there be updates and I return... I will do the best I can to keep in touch with you all. Please take care and may the Force be with you all!)

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Marasha and Catia

Here's the Master Catia. She sometimes will intercept my Master Phobia's mind and body... Catia is a Sith, who was once a Jedi...

Here's one of Catia's many apprentices Marasha. Dont let this sweet face fool ya! She loves the Darkness...

Well so far lots of things have happened... I have been to so many places in the last few months I dont know where I am currently on the plannet called Ragoon 3 watching some kind of a Tournament... I dont like it I find some of the other contestants to be cheating so i attempt to rush onto the arena! Stoped once again in my tracks by my Master I sit there next to her. Inside I am pouting and wanting to take action. But being restrained isnt all that great. I feel like they baby me alot. I'm not a Youngling who is akward and doesnt know how to handle a saber. I constantly get "Belda, you are the child of light... Your not to act out in anger or strike out on anyone."


So I sit here anxious and wanting to help Master Godfrey and feeling useless and totally alone. I became bored and restless about this time so I decided to sit quietly and think of ways to entertain myself. This is what I call the Belda version of meditation. This most of the time angers Master Yoda to no extent because I zone out completely. "Daydreaming you are again young Belda" He says. I say Tee-hee...

Anyways while I was Belda Meditating I began to let my mind wonder all around the ring for something or someone to distract me from this Tournament thingy. Low and behold in broad day light I spot Marasha and I know where Marasha is Catia is near by! I look over at my Master and say...

"Master, its Marasha! That Sith Spawn!"

"Belda! Belda Pinik!, you watch your attitude!" I heard. I wasnt sure if that was my Master speaking to me or Catia... I didnt all to well like Catia. She was always calling me names like...... Papoose, and whelp, and Jedi Brat, or spoiled little baby! So me calling Marasha a Sith Spawn in comparison is nothing. I decide to open my eyes to see if I can pinpoint whom scolded me. I imediately spot Catia! That mean nasty Sith Which! She looks at me and I can actually feel her anger and hatred towards me. I say nothing and do nothing... I just stare at her waiting for the right time to defend my self from her attacks. Without me noticing my Master had gone down to help Master Godfrey...

"Well... well little whelp, what are you gonna do now? Your Master's sitting here and I know she will not approve you to move." Catia taunted me.

I wanted so bad to go over to her and rip out her hair but I knew my Master wouldnt have it! In fact, I know she'd be on me like white on rice...

"Well? Little whelp? Need your Mommy to tell you you can play?" Catia taunted over and over...

I looked over at her and saw Marasha was quickly approaching. "Master, the deed is done, the Jedi will soon pay for trying to come here and follow us." Marasha looked over at me and then back at her Master Catia.

"I am pleased with you, my little apprentice." Catia responded.

"Why is that thing here?" Marasha said pointing at me.

Catia laughed. "That thing is trying to obey her Master and not go anywhere. Sad isnt it, my little one?"

I took in a deep breath doing all I could to hold back the urge to pounce them both and fight them. The very nerve of them calling me a thing! Who do they think they are?

"Making you mad little baby?" Marasha said.

I shook my head no. I knew if they knew I was getting mad, they'd have me. The Dark Side would win. So I did what every other Jedi would do in that situation and just stared at them. I said absolutely nothing. I knew if I even opened my mouth, I'd regret what'd come outa it.

Marasha laughed. "She's such a baby, too widdle to think on her own needs her widdle Mommy to help her..." Marasha looked around to where my Master was supposed to have been sitting. "Looks like your Mommy left you all alone unprotected? Whose to say someone might not come along and snatch you away?"

As much as I felt like I wanted to clobber them both I had to admit Marasha was right... where was my Master? "Master, where are you?" I called out. I ran over to the balcony edge and saw here down in the arena with Master Godfrey. They were fighting viciously. I heard Marasha and Catia laughing behind me. For the first time in a while I felt totally alone and I began to feel fear. I knew I couldnt fight them both alone physically. I did what I could to mask my fear. "Whats so funny?" I asked.

"You, you little whelp" Catia said.

"Your scared arent you?" Marasha asked. She began to approach me slowly.

Without thinking I grabed my saber and it was lit in my hands before Marasha could approach me. "I'm not scared... what me scared of you?" I said with a laugh.

"Why's your saber lit? I was only comming over to see your Master fight." Marasha said with an evil look in her eyes.

"I don't know, I just like to wave my saber around, thats all" I said. Before I knew it Marasha had her saber lit too as well. It was obvious to me she was planning on striking me. "Why did you ignight yours?" I asked

"I plan on actually using mine... On you..." She said. She looked back at Catia who also was closing in on us, her saber drawn as well. With a slight nod, Marisha came at me full force.

I blocked her every attack. I had to admit though she's a ghost, she's still strong with the Force. I had to really use the Force to repel Marasha off of me. If that wasnt bad enough Catia also was comming at me as well. I did all I could to keep them from hurting me.

"Well, the little whelp can fight some, cant she, my darling apprentice?" Catia said. "But now it is time... Time for this little whelp to learn..." Catia came at me not with-holding anythng back. Her attacks were vicious and fast. I did all I could to fight her off. It was apperent Catia and Marasha had came here to do something... something bad, and I was in the wrong place at the wrong time.

It seemed with every attack they did, I dodged the best I could. What was the purpose in them attacking me? Why did they wait till I was all alone to do so? All I could tell was they were not fooling around. And neither was I. My Master returned up to the booth and saw us fighting... She and Master Godfrey went after Catia and Marasha. I could see from the expression on Master Godfrey's face he wasnt at all happy.

My Master did all she could to stop him from killing Marasha and Catia. I just stood there looking at them all.

"Awe the Babies Mommy and Daddy came to fight her battles for her again?" Catia said.

Without a warning, Catia and Marasha left... I looked at my Master and Master Godfrey confused...

TBC... (sorry it took so long for me to do a post RL got busy for me)

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Marasha the Sith from the Dead

Hello there, Here's my tale of what happened... I met Marasha oneday in the Cafateria. She sat there quietly eating. I walked over to her and sat next to her and began to eat my lunch too. She introduced herself as Marasha. Over the coarse of a few days we became friends.
One day she inviated me to play a card game with her and 2 other girls our age. Debbak and Harroka were the other two. Durring the game both Debbak and Harroka disapeared *poof* right into thin air! I went to my Master and told hereverything form the missing padawans to how Marasha only showed up at nights and when she did it was very erie...
Marasha was apperently a ghost! How I found this out was I went to Madame Nu the Archivest and there I found some data on my new "friend" Marasha. Marasha apperently lived around the time of Catia. When I told me Master all I could find out about Marasha she then went into the Council chaimbers and was briefed on what to do next. That night I decided to stay in my Masters chaimbers just incase. I have to admit Marahsa could be spooky at times.
Master Godfrey and I had decided to make my Master as comfortable as possible. After much fuss she finially agreed. We proped lots of pillows on the chair and I layed at my Masters feet on the floor on a blanket. This was not something my Master made me do it was something I felt very comfortable doing. I loved sleeping on the floor. It was always so much cooler down there. I fell asleep down there and slept pretty well until I was awaken to my Masters sudden scream of pain.
I looked up it was 11:45pm. Master Godfrey did all he could to relieve the pain. It subsided and the room went totally black. It was so erie I was clinging onto Master Godfrey's arm. At first there was just a shadow then the shadow became Marasha!
"Hello Marasha" My Master said.
"You tattle tale baby Belda! You told your Master who I was and what happened didnt you? You filthy little whelp, Jedi Scum Baba Belda!" Marasha said in responce. She then looked at my Master and said "My Master, said Belda was babied, but I just had to see it!"
"Who is your Master, Marasha?" Phobia asked.
"Why should I tell you?" Marasha snapped. "Im sure the tattle tale here told you!"
Master Godfrey seemed to be ahead of the game and went over to a trunk and fished out a small watercolor picture of Catia. "Is this your Master, Marasha?" He asked.
"Thief! You filthy Jedi Scum Thief!" She said her anger apperiently growing by the minute.
Master Godfrey seemed not to become angry easly clamly said. "If you answer some questions I will give this picture to you."
Marasha eyed him then noded curtly and sat down at the table. "I'll answer your stupid questions, what harm can it do?" She answered all the questions. Come to find out Catia had raised her from the dead and Catia was her Master!
" That's right my master called me back from the dead! called me back to retrieve what was stolen from her!"
My Master Must of had sensed something in the Force or maybe had a sneaking suspicion of what was stolen form her or so she claimed. " Marsha, what did she bring you back to retrieve?" My Master asked.
Marasha stood flinging her arms out and said with a glare at all of us... "The grimorie and the music box! she wants them both back!"
"Marasha I ask you to hear me.. Catia trusts no one.. she has no allies. her only ally is herself.. in the end she will dennounce you and leave you to the wolves! Please turn back before it is too late!" My Master pleaded at Marasha.
Marasha sneered at my Master and said "Oh I know all of what is going on.. I know my Master can hear me for she rests in your pathetic body. I know how she kept you under her thumb all these years.... And still I know how you defy the Council with him!" Marasha jerked her thumb over her shoulder towards Godfrey.
I jumped to my feet" Stop Marasha! my Master only wants to help you!" I said. I didnt want to make things worse, but I didnt like the tone Marasha was getting with my Master.
Marasha laughed at us. "Like how mine helped me? When she would strike me?" Without thinking totally I was now suddenly nose to nose before either my Master or Master Godfrey could stop us.
"My Master has never struck me! Catia was the one who struck me! My Master has been nothing but kind to me!" I said.
"You're a weakling just like she is! She is a liar! She is no Jedi! Look how she defies the code! Not only did she marry but she even went further than that! You know those two twins she told you about? Well they are her's! She is going to be a mother! Did she tell you that? Did she trust you with that secret? The one she won't even tell her trusted brother Anakin!" Marasha blurbed out. I stood in shock.
The whole confession took me by suprise! I turned to my Master "Why didn't you tell me the truth my Master?" I was near to tears.
My Master Phobia walked over to me and knelt on one knee and said to me, "I did it to protect you Belda. You are like a daughter to me. It killed me not to tell you the enitre truth but I am no fool. I know Master Godfrey and I will be found out sooner or later by the council. This way they cannot punish you for what you did not know. Now you know the whole truth. If you believe I lie to you now, look into the force.. it never lies"
"I understand my Master, and I do appreciate you wishing to protect me. But you and Master Godfrey will not always be here. I need to know how to stand on my own" I said.
My Master Phobia nodded in agreement and said... "Yes Belda, I know... But it's a little hard for me to let go. From now on I promise you, no more secrets between us"
" No more secrets" I said. The light within shined briefly as I hugged her and she got to her feet.
Then without warning and faster than normal eyes could see Marasha darted past my Master and grabbed me in a headlock and brought her saber to my throat "Now.. since this pathetic display of effection is over. Bring me the grimorie and the music box. NOW!" The red blade inched closer to my throat.
"What if we refuse?" My Master asked.
"Then this pathetic whelp dies! You have one hour" Marasha threatened.
I knew my Master wasn't about to give her the grimorie. I knew she knew what Catia planned to do once she had her hands on that book. She would kill her certainly. My Master rose from her chair of pillows and went to the trunk. Rummaging around in the trunk she found the box in a place she had never seen in the trunk before. Brining it back she tossed it to Marasha.
"Here.. there's the music box" Phobia said.
Marasha let me go and smirked "Now, one down and one to go"
"That's the only one you're getting" My Master snapped.
"Then I'll take this little twit to Sidious and let him have her? How would you like to face the Council and tell them your apprentice is now Sidious's slave?" Marasha taunted my Master. The idea of me being Sidious's slave nearly had me in tears.
I could tell my Master wasnt happy with what Marasha had said... "You hurt her and you will NOT walk out of this room alive!" I could tell my Master Phobia's patience was fast waining.
"Oh so you'll resort to murdering a child? Real Jedi of you" Marasha retorted back.
"I will do whatever I must to protect Belda. I'm giving you this chance to walk out now without any reprucussions. I suggest you take it." My Masters hand was slowly creeping towards her saber.
The clock chimed 12:15
"45 minutes left NOW!" Marasha was persistant for sure.
"Godfrey.. wait here a moment.. I will go and get Marasha what she wishes" My Master had a gleem in her eye when she said this. I watched as he stood up to stop her but she shook her head " Wait here" She went to her room and pulled out a redbook that had been a wedding gift from Godfrey. She grinned and a few minutes later and some Force altering she brought it back out... It was identical to the grimorie in every aspect. " Here it is.. " She said as she passed it Marasha and somehow managed to keep a straight face. That book in particular she had placed out of my reach and knoweledge. She was honestly trying to be more open minded and not treat me like a child, but there ARE some books she felt I didn't need to read yet. That one in particular.
"Is this the book my Master? Can you come and speak to me?" Marasha called looking around the room.
Before my Master could stop it a black mist flitered out of her mouth and began taking shape across from us. Two wolfish Sith eyes peered out of the smoke and she began taking shape "Yes Marasha, That is the book! Now take them and go to where we discussed!" Her voice was only a mere hiss
"But, Master what about the whelp?" Marasha looked at me like a hungry beast about to eat its prey.
"Ssshee will be delt with in my time, not yours... When the time comes her blood will be spilt over the Grand Altar and the Gryphon Cannon will bring a new age of terror to the galaxy!" Catia Hissed. Marasha bowed before the image of Catia and smoke filled the room.
My Master pulled me close to her and Master Godfrey raised an arm to try and filter through the tar like blackness. When it cleared Marasha was gone. So was Catia!
I turned to my Master and said " My Master she has the grimorie! What will we do?"
She held her hand out for me to wait and darted for the freasher.... About 10 minutes later she stumbled back out to the living area and pratically flopped onto the pillows. Master Godfrey knelt next to her and moved a few strands of hair off her forehead.
"Belda.. remember how I told you that things were not always as they appeared to be?" She said. I nodded, still semi confused
"Well that wasn't the real grimorie It was a fake.. " My Master was pratically biting her lip trying to keep from laughing.
"What was the real book my Master?" I asked...
My Masters face was turning beet red from hidden laughter "It was a wedding present from Master Godfrey"
I looked at me wide eyed "Oh no! How will you replace it?" I asked.
Master Godfrey was grinning as was she "There's places we can go to find .. uh.. replacements" Neither of them could take not laughing over the situation anymore. My Master Phobia ended up rolling off the pillows and Master Godfrey buried his face in one of the nearby pillows laughing himself silly. I looked from one to the other, no clue what was so funny. When she could finally get the breath to speak she turned to me and said. "Belda, I know I told you I wouldn't treat you like a child anymore and I'm not... But simply put for you to understand this now.. you're too young... I'll make you a deal. On your fourenteenth birthday...... only a couple years from now..... Ask me again and I will tell you. I promise."
I became a bit pouty but nodded anyways. " Okay"
My Master's breath was wheezing like crazy but she looked over at me. She must of realized how I was feeling and said. "Remember what Master Adana and I told you about 'the talk'?"
I nodded still a little confused.
"Well.. for.. uh.. those sorts of things, there are.. um.. books for it.." She said...
I totally blushed "Oh! I see... um... yeah... okay... " I was well more embarrased than anything at this point.
Scraping herself up off the floor she yanked Master Godfrey up with her "Now... I think we need to get some sleep... In the morning I 'll start getting things together ... Marasha will be back..... This I'm certain of!" Once she saw that I was tucked in. It was quiet for now and I heard the clock chime 1 am before I attempted to fall asleep. I had much to be concerned about... I sure hoped Marasha didnt soon discover that the gilmorie was a fake. If she did, I knew I was doomed.

Thursday, April 19, 2007

Happy Birthday Hayden Christensen!

I just wanted to take a quick announcement and wish Mr Hayden Christensen a Happy Birthday! You rocked as Vader! Woot Woot!

Friday, April 13, 2007

Ice to go with the cream soda? an Ancient Prophecey revieled...

Well after walking in on my Master and Master Godfrey I felt a bit embarrased! I had been so excited about aceing my Science project I had forgotten my manners and didn't knock before entering. I made a personal note to knock now no matter what from now on! I went into the sitting area of my Masters quarters and waited for her to emerge. When she did I apologised for walking in on them. I actually thought I was going to be repramanded for doing that. I showed her my passing marks and she then hurrendly changed and put on some clothes and off to the Ice Cream Parlor we went. All was fine until from out of no where we were being bombed!
"Duck Belda, Get down!" Phobia called out.
"Yes Master..." I said.
When the commotion was settling down a bit, we tried to gather the survivers onto a platform where my Master used the Force to guide them unto a safer spot. I did my best to attend to the critically injured. I looked up and saw the building was about to collapse called out to my Master... "Master we must hurry the building is going to collapse!"
I figured she must not have heard me so I attempted to tug my Master away. And for no reason and out of the blue she struck me knocking me through the door. "Shut your mouth you insignificant whelp! You will not tell me what to do!" She bruised me! My Master struck me and not only that she called me a Whelp! I began to cry, no one had ever struck me before! No one had ever called me a whelp neither.
I went flying and Master Godfrey who had just arived minutes before saw me flying past him.
Through the Force he caught me just barely before I hit a wall. He layed me down gently and examined my face. There was a huge bruise on it. He asked me "What happeded Belda?"
I began crying and holding on to Master Godfrey's leg in total utter fear! "Master Godfrey, She hit me! My Master hit me! She never hits me... What did I do wrong?" Tears streaming down my face mixing with blood, my blood and dirt staining my small face.
Master Godfrey then took his hand and brushed my face gently and using a healing technique he made the bruise and the pain of it go away. He must have been using the Force to try to contact my Master because he then turned to me and said "Belda, that isnt your Master Phobia, it was Catia!"
I wiped my eyes dry with my sleeve of my tunic and looked at him. Catia? Why here why now? What would she want to do with us now? She's a Sith. I knew I was no match for her. Though the idea of fighting her did cross my mind. I knew she wanted to hurt my Master, and all the other Jedi. I knew she would challange me to fight. Being that I am susposed to be the Light of the Force, I am not susposed to ever use anger or vengance to strike anyone at anytime. It is said in the ancient prophecies "The Light of the Force is a beacon unto all who come her way. Never will she stray from the Greatness of the Force, nor shall she use Violence, in her presance will you find Mercy and Compassion." So all I could do was walk away. I thought about the ancient prophecy that was spoken about me. I often didn't understand it. Why couldn't I be like the other Jedi and fight. All I ever wanted was to be like everyone else. Sometimes I felt alien to everyone. There were always the many questions I had and still have. I figured one day I'd get the answers. My main objective was to remain a Light and a Hope to all that was around me.
I looked up at Master Godfrey after being in deep thought. "Belda, go help out the medvac assitants" He said. I obeyed without question. There was much to do, so many people injured. I went over to them and helped in every way I could. We loaded the critically injured first and they took them over to the medical facilities. The ones who were not so critical were escorted to a near by medcal clenic to bandage up their wounds.
When everyone had been tended to I hopped onto the Transit vessel heading back to the Jedi Temple. I headed strait for the landing bay of the Jedi Temple. When I got there I was just in time to see Master Godfrey and Catia battling. I climbed into a Jedi Starfighter and hid. I guess no one saw me. I watched and studied every move both of them made. I watched in silence. Silently I prayed to the Force that my Master and Master Godfrey would preveil over Catia.

Sunday, April 01, 2007

Dear Palpatine (make sure you read the whole thing)

Dear Senator Palpatine,

I heard you know the one to contact on becomming a Sith. Please pass this letter on to Sidious? It is most urgant he receives this letter.

Dear Sidious,
I have had it with the Jedi Ways! I am sick of all these foolish rules of "You can't do this, and you can't do that" It is all a bunch of Pudu if you ask me! I know that you are looking for a Sith apprentice, well, I am your girl! I simply cannot live without you! I desire you to the point to where I think nothing more than to serve you. The very thought of me bowing at your lovely feet.... I am in escascy in desire for you! I will please you in every way you can possibly dream of. Please consider me as your apprentice for the Future.
Belda Pinik
Jedi Temple

April Fools! Had you going didnt I? Woot Woot! You really thought I felt this way about you Sidious? I cant stop laughing! April Fools!
*Is laughing so hard she cannot stop. She nearly wakes the entire temple with her laughter*
"April Fools! I fooled Old Man Sids! The Old Sith Lord Wanna be Sids never saw it comming!"
"Oh P.S. Palps, if you read this, I fooled you too!"
Happy April Fools day!

Thursday, March 29, 2007

Me and my new saber

Here I am with my new saber! Just had to show everyone it!

Its my Party!

Today I turn 10 yrs old! Last night before I went to bed my comlink was blinking off the wall with Happy Birthday messages and what not! My Master gave me the components to building my first saber and before we had arived on Utapah, it was all put together. I also got loads of cards too. Thank you all for the Birthday wishes everyone!

Friday, March 23, 2007

More Younglings, and inside thoughts...

We finially got back to the Temple.... My Master's spine was nearly severed in half. Not to mention the news that there were going to be more younglings comming to the temple. My Master is on strict bedrest... This gave me time to meditate and practice my fighting skills. But the news of the arival of 2 more younglings comming had me stirred in an odd way... What was I to do now? My Master had always been open with me about many things. She told me that in 9 months there were going to be 2 more comming.
"Where are they comming from?" I asked.
"A very special place Belda. And you know where and how they come. Master Adana and I had that talk with you..." She said with a smile on her face.
"How do you know about them my Master?"
"Because I do. Belda go and find Master Godfrey, okay? I need him for something." was her simple answer.
I did as I was asked and left to go look for Master Godfrey. On the way to finding him I went into deep thoughts... Here's what I thought about...
*I had to admit this thing about babies and where they came from was still somewhat of a mystery to me still. Though Master Adana and my Master had explained it. Something was very strange about how my Master told me that the we were going to have an addition to the Temple. To my knowledge there were babies always here. But I had been mistaken. The Nursery was almost empty except for about 6 infants. When I was in there there were about 20 of us who were too young to be in the classrooms. I guess being Force sensitive was becomming a rare thing or maybe families didnt want to give up their infants to us?
I wanted to know where they have found 2 infants that were Force sensitive. What star system were they to be born on? And how long from now would they arive?
Yes I realize for a 9 yr old these inquisions are a bit odd... but here at the Temple things are becomming a bit odd anyways. We still have Jedi that are missing, some younglings that have been kidnapped... I often wonder if it is safe here anymore? With the Clone Wars raging, it almost seems like we are at a loss for hope. The only hope we have is capturing General Grievious and stoping the fighting. The Seperists must be stoped... I miss the old way, where I was told there was no wars, and pretty much we only went out to make peaceful situations. Now we are being trained as warriors.
I used to not be one for wars. I like the idea of peacefully meditating or doing other things that dont involve the use of a saber. But maybe I am seeing a change even in myself? After what I saw Grievious do to my Master! I actually wanted to dismember him. But I knew to keep my anger under control. And I did.*
Here's what I thought about on the way back to Coruscant from Utapah...
*"You are the Light, the hope of peace, a symbol of pureness and hope... There can be no Darkness in you" I have heard it said to me in my heart over and over. I constantly have to repeat it over and over. Sometimes I wanna fall to the dark side just to kill off all the darkness that surrounds me. But to do so would mean my death. Something I know this Galaxy doesn't need. It need Hope, Peace, and Light... The Light... *

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

We went to go battle General Grievous

When we got there to Utapau I stood there looking at the natives. They looked a little frighting to me at first with their sharp teeth and beady eyes. I look up at my Master as she is speaking with the chief, and pull just behind her to be safe. A feeling strikes, one that I really don't know, but I feel shy and unable to speak all of a sudden.. why?

My gaze falls on Master Godfrey. He is standing near the ship, watching both of us quietly. There was something that hummed in the air.. I knew he would not allow anything to happen to either of us. He had a quiet strength like Master Kenobi, but, I could guess if someone made him angry, he could be as fierce as Master Skywalker.

As if on impulse I pull closer to my Master. In a way I would like to believe that she can shield me from whatever terrors lie in wait for us. But I have been told time and again" Jedi are faliable, Jedi are human" though, looking at her again. I have hope. I tug on my Master's cloak and wordlessly point to the chief. Her eyes see something above him and she warns me to be silent. Grievous is near. Despite her warning I point at him my little brow furrowed. I can hear her voice ringing in my mind "It's impolite to stare at others Belda.. and worse so to point!"... I lower my finger at her words. I notice the chief looking at me intently before a warm smile breaks over his face . I nod my head in acknoldgement and respond "Pre -ta-na-ma". The Chief looks at my Master and says "What does that mean?"
Phobia responds "It means peace"
He then nodded in compliance and said "Yes... Peace be with us all!"

I listened intently as well as I could. I overheard them speaking of how General Greivous was on the tenth level and that how they were all being held as hostages there. Imagine that these people were being held as hostages on their own planet. Also that we should use caution. Then I heard we were going to ride this creature called a Boga... What in the Galaxy!?! I mean what is a Boga anyways? Were they vicious? No Matter, by the time I had even began to ask these questions in my head my Master Phobia and I were heading back to where Master Godfrey was.

I look up at both Master Godfrey and my Master finially able to find my tounge again I say "Whats a Boga my Master?"

My Master smiled at me as we approached the boga stable "Well.. take a look for yourself" she said stepping back close to Master Godfrey.. all I can think to say about them is.. "WOW!" They were indeed wonderful. They were also very loud.

My Master and Master Godfrey picked one out while I attempted to pet one of them by reaching my little hand up over the stable ledge. I heard the stable manager say to my Master "Make sure you mind the child, I think she wants to become food for the Boga?" My Master then said to me "Belda boga's are not pets, they are wild animals. Anyway we're going. come on!" Heeding my Master's words I quickly join her and Master Godfrey, lest I be left behind...

Master Godfrey mounted the boga, then he helped my Master Phobia mount it then they both put me in the middle. I sat there , not knowing what to do but was forced to grab onto Master Godfrey's robe as the boga started off at a fast gallop. Up, up, up we went and fast. The further up we went the tighter I grabbed Master Godfrey's outer robes. I held on for dear life. We got to the ninth level and dismounted. I watched as the Boga left us there. I thought now what? I tugged on Master Godfrey's robe gently. I ask... "Master Godfrey, why didnt the Boga take us up all the way?"

Smiling a little he replied "Bogas are great transportation but they tend to make a lot of nosie and besides where we are going, we don't want her to get hurt do we? No one likes getting hurt but as Jedi we have to protect the innocent, even the bogas. We continue on foot to the 10th level"

I understood now why we now had did what we did. We quietly continued on foot up to the tenth level. As we were hiking up to the tenth level on foot, I took time to think and reflect on what was around me. Everything from the soft caressing breezes, to the slight hum of machines in the distance.

We got to a hanger bay and hid there quietly. I was always good at playing hide and seek back at the Temple. I knew if I could hide from anyone there including Master Skywalker the Chosen One I could hide from this piece of scrap metal General Grievious. Oh how I longed to snatch his remaining spare parts and use them for the Prodical droid I was building. I must of had a look on my face because when I snapped out of my thoughts, my Master was looking at me, and it wasnt a look of sweetness and honey if you get my drift...

"Belda, keep your attention on the here and now, we are about to walk into a hornet's nest and I will NOT have you drifitng on daydreams!" Phobia said sharply.

"I wasnt daydreaming my Master... I was contemplating on which parts I needed most for my droid..."

"That is excactly my point! Forget the stupid droid! You'll get us killed if your mind is not on the task at hand! Nothing else! Focus!"

"Yes my Master." I said but I still had a look like I was still up to something. I knew better than to risk the mission so I put my mind on full focus. With a nod we all three jumped down to the main floor all our sabers humming as we attacked the near by battle droids. Phobia was the first to speak.

"Why hello there General"

I thought in my head, he's a General? a General of what? These droids? Poor guy!

Godfrey stepped up quietly beside Phobia, quiet presence raidiating a power that I could not point my finger on. Then the scrapheap spoke" A Jedi.. what do you know.. I had expected them to send someone of a more illustrious rank after me .. pity .. pity.. and a baby? Is this the best the Jedi have to offer?"

In my head I thought *Oh no he did not! He did not just call me a baby! A papoose!... Them was fighting words, Oh its on now Scrappile, your mine bubba!* Oh how I wanted to pounce him and take him on for calling me a papoose! But I didnt, I stayed behind my Master waiting...

Master Godfrey's voice cut through the shadows "Then that should tell you something General.. you are a toy, a slave to the banking clan.. you are no longer important for the higher ups to worry about you."

I noticed some of the droids starting to circle us as if to surround us. I used my saber to block the bolts and have their bolts reflected back to them.

The general twisted to fix his eyes on us "Is that so eh? Well whenever they find your corpses in the space above coruscant then they will listen to us!"

The fighting raged between Grievous, My Master and Master Godfrey. It seemed to begoing in their favour, until.... Master Godfey was pushed over the cliff edge....

(This post was brought to you from the help of my Master Phobia Deimos, Master Godfrey and myself. Please stay tuned on all three of our blogs for the continuations...)

Saturday, March 17, 2007

Happy St Patrick's day!

Hello there, Wanted to wish everyone a Happy St. Patty's day!

May the Force be with you all!

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Cloned Sith and Jedi impersinations!

Through extensive research and many trips to the Jedi Security archives we discovered who the "Mysterious Sith" was.... He is a clone of Darth Maul. How, why, and who cloned him is still a mystery. Once we found out who it was that scared all of us off, it was simple... Whom ever is in charge of security here at the Jedi Temple now has all the information necessary to stop the "Cloned Maul" and bring him into captivity. Since my Master Phobia and Master Godfrey are on assingment and away from here, I have been busy. Master Cin has been keeping me extra busy...

With extra long saber practicing sessions. "It would do you good Belda to learn how to use a saber just incase the Sith do return. There may not be another Master Jedi around to defend you. Now practice! practice! paractice!" He says. I sometimes will practice till I nearly fall down. I am usually so tired I cannot do much of anything after that. Right about now my arms are sore and my legs dont want to hold me up. I am not angry or upset, because feelings such as those are pretty much forbidden here at the Temple. Today I was so tired I nearly ran headlong into Master Adana and Lysandra in the hallway.

"Ahhhhh!" I screamed and my holobooks went flying. good thing I learned how to levatate everything last year.

"Belda, whats wrong?" Lysandra looked at me awakwardly.

"Belda, whats gotten you so wound up?" Master Adana asked.

"I, uh... well you see, I am so tired... I didnt even see you comming down the hallway." I practically studdered. I hate it when I studder like that. I always feel like a goober when I do that.

"Well then, you should go right away to bed." Master Adana said.

"Yes Master Adana." I responded back and politely curtsied.

After I allowed the holobooks to return to my arms I then headed back to my room and set the holobooks on my desk. I opened up the one on top to do some studies in my first class... Launguage... I find language vitaly important normally, but tonight I was exosted! I fell asleep at my desk again! A few minutes later I was awakened by a noise. I look up and there he is! Cloned Maul standing over me!

"How dare you? How did you get back in here?" I wasnt at all pleased with him being back in my room!

"How dare I, little Jedi? Well if you must know, your room is the easiest room to enter, My Master Sidious showed me how to." He said almost in a mockingly tone.

"Sidious!" My stomach wanted to turn at that name...

"Now down to business, little Jedi... I know that you and your Master Phobia took some artifacts from the plannet Korriban, now where did she put them?"

"I do not know. I never saw these things called artifacts. Now leave or I'll.." I was cut off...

"Or you'll what? Cry like a baby? Call for some Jedi Master?" He taunted...

"I'll get rid of you myself!" I finially said.

"You are a sassy little one arent you? Dosent the Jedi Order teach you not to be rude? No matter, in a few months, your little tone will change and my Master will have his way!" His grin was enough to make anyone wanna hide. "Now, if the artifacts arent in here, maybe you will take me to where they are? If not, well I can always have you come along with me, and well, it wont get pretty, little Jedi" He threatened.....

I looked over at him, I didnt know what to do. I didnt know where these artifacts were... "I do not know where they are... It would do you no good to hold me. I cannot lead you to them anyways." I sure hope I convinced him.

"Well little Jedi that is too bad for you!" With that he ignighted his crimbson saber and before I knew it I had my practice saber ignighted and in my hand! I knew my practice saber was no real match for his double balded crimbson saber but it was all I had. I dodged and perried every bolw and strike he gave in a way I was glad I had learned how to do so. I channeled the Force through me to give me the extra strength needed to keep up with the fight. I gave him a Force push and this knocked him out cold. I then called for two older Jedi to help me toss him out the frount gates. Within minutes they arived and all three of us tossed him out onto the curb of the main steps infrount of the Jedi Temple.

Ok well there goes my last struggle with the unkiown Sith... Now onto other news...

It seams there has been someone who is going around impersinating us. And well charactors like Gar-Gar, Skywalker, Master Yoda, and possibly others... I for one do not like it! These charactors like Gar-Gar, Skywalker, Master Yoda, are good people. If you are the one doing it, I ask that

1. You stop doing this asap!

2. Get permission from the authors!

3. Do not post your impersonations here on my in my c-box unless you have permission from the authors of those charactors and they have sent me an ok message from them via IM or e-mail. (you will be Banned! I will not remove the ban until I am given permission via the writers of these charactotrs to allow you to play them. I honestly do not want to actually have to Ban you from my c-box.)

4. My c-box is not for you to host your chats in... If you want to host a chat, please get your own c-box! They are free and very easy to set up. If you need help I can tutor you.

If indeed these are the charactors who you are blogging as, please contact my self via e-mail. I know the Real Gar-Gar, from the fake, and the others! This is your last warning! I do apologise if I sound rude. If you want to role-play along with us, let one of us know. I am always up for an excellant story line anyday.

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Who is this Sith?

Jeanna, Marataca, Jeassa, Samma, Tammerai and I all screamed in horror as this cloaked Mysterious Sith Lord began to walk towards is.... Our screams woke up the others in the room. All 13 of us were now in a corner on my room screaming! What were we susposed to do only a three of us had a real saber. The Mysterious Sith Lord then spoke...

"Shhhhhh! Do not scream and wake the entire Temple... I am sure the Council would not like to be woken from their slumber." His voice was barely above a whisper.

"Huh-who, are you?" I studdered.

"A Sith, what else do you think I look like?" He snapped.

"Why are you here?" Sarrah asked.

"To get what was stolen from the caves on Korriban. I know it was all brought here to the Temple...." He hissed sharply at us.

"What was stolen? I have nothing from that cave." I said.

"You lie little girl! I am going to search your room and if I find even a speck of sand from Korriban here, I will pop off all of your heads, you understand little Jedi's?" He hissed again, this time his voice was a bit louder.

There was no question about it he was going to kill us forsure if anyone of us tried to fight him. I could tell from the look of him he was a far better fighter than any of us in the room. The Mysterious Sith Lord began to look through my room. All of us stayed clear out of his way huddled in a corner afraid to move or blink.

With out a warning we heard from outside my room...*knock... knock* The Sith looked over at us and I could hear him sneer at the sound of the knocking and without another word Master Cin opened up my door his saber was lit and he saw the Sith and went after him.

All of us girls left my room and went out to seek other help... Well at 3 am... No one was up... Except for Master Cin and a few padawan's. I could hear the clashing of sabers in my room. It wasnt too long after that Master Cin and the Mysterious Sith left my room and were headed down the hallway out into the main corridor. Jeanna, Marataca, Jeassa, Samma, Tammerai, Lissa, Katta, Ellannai, Sarrah, Hannaha, Lorria, Wendia came back and stood next to me and we all watched Master Cin and the Mysterious Sith fight down at the end of the hallway and we watched as Master Cin drove the Mysterious Sith out of the Temple. Master Cin then came back up to where we were, it was obvious the Mysterious Sith had given Master Cin a good fight because master Cin looked a little tired and was breathing heavely at this point. After he composed himself we walked up to us and asked us....

"Are you all aright?"

"Yes Master Cin" we all replied un unision.

"Ok, then back off to bed." Master Cin said.

We all turned to go back to my room.

"Master Cin?" I asked.

"Yes, Belda..." He said.

"Who was that? and How did you know when other Jedi's didnt even bother to respond?" I was currious... I had to know.

"I sensed a minor disturbance in the Force and felt it when I walked by your room. And I do not know who that Sith was. I will speak to the Council on this in the morning. Now off to bed with you." His last statement sounded more like an order than a request, I didnt want to upset him any further.

"Thank you Master Cin and goodnight, Master Cin" I curtsied politely and went into my room.

All night i could not sleep.. Who was that Sith and why did he pick my room of all the places in the Temple? I sat up in my sleeping bag and decided to meditate. Saarah came over to me and began to meditate along side of me. I guess some time had passed beacuse when I looked back up all of us were up and meditating.

*well thats it until next time...*

Monday, March 05, 2007

I came out as this...

You scored as You are not a Dark Lord, you are a Jedi!. What? So be it Jedi, if you will not be turned... you will be destroyed! After all, your feeble skills are no match for the power of the dark side! (Please rate this quiz a 5 before you die, thank you...)

You are not a Dark Lord, you are a Jedi!

Exar Kun - 33%

Darth Traya - 33%

Darth Sidious/ Palpatine - 33%

Freedon Nadd - 22%

Naga Sadow - 17%

Darth Malak - 11%

Darth Bane - 11%

Marka Ragnos - 0%

Kaan - 0%

Darth Vader - 0%

Darth Plagueis - 0%

Darth Revan - 0%

Darth Nihilus - 0%

Which Dark Lord of the Sith are you? (new version)
created with

Thursday, March 01, 2007

A week without my Master Phobia, and a night to rember

Well, when I got word that my Master was heading out to Corellia for a week from tomorrow I felt like I was going to be sad. But then it struck me why not have a small slumber party in my room. I could even inviate GarGar to make us giggle... So for 1 1/2 hrs, I spent making out inviations. I wanted to make sure all my friends were inviated.
Here was the List...
I was limmited due to the space on whom all I could inviate so I made sure my room was clean. After I cleaned my room I made my way down to the cafateria to meet up with my friends and handed them their inviations to my slumber party. Although I do wish my Master was going to be there. Maybe with any luck Master Adana would look in on us? Another person I was really missing was Master Kriss. It had been months since she was last at the Temple and now she's with Lord Darth Vader. He is a powerful Sith Lord who also came to the Dance we had here a few weeks ago. Master Kriss seems to like it there where she is sometimes I wonder if she'll ever return?
Once the inviatations were handed out I sat down to eat my dinner. My friends kept me company as we ate. We talked about the games we wanted to play at the party. I made a list of the games as they named them off, and from the looks on the list We'd be lucky if any of us got any sleep.
That night just before the party, I went over all the last minute preperations and made sure we had plenty of suplies for all the games we had planned on playing. I layed out my best pj's and waited for them to arive. Soon enough they were all there...
Here was the list as we did them in order...
1. (game) Whats your favorite...? (this is a game you list all your favorite things).
2. We talked about who we thought was the cutest Jedi...
3. We went and raided the refrigerator and got loads of ice-cream, popcorn and soda. (We were gonna be hyper now).
4. We played Truth or Dare. (now that was fun, I will not tell of what we did, cuz well we'd all be in big trouble).
5. We watched the Holovision...
6. Some how we all ended up asleep.
Durring the middle of the night I woke up to a strange noise. Someone was attempting to crash my party... I guessed everyone else heard the noise because one by one we all began to wake up. Jessa, Samma and Lissa all had their sabers lit. Who ever it was that was trying to crash our party was not going to get a warm welcome. I was the only one brave enough to get out of my sleeping bag and head towards where the intruder was. I lit my saber for a light and approached the tall figure. I gasped when I was who it was.... A Sith! He was cloaked so I couldnt see him all that well, all I could make out was his Crimsom saber and his Red/Yellow eyes I was frightened! We all screamed...
Well, To be continued soon...

Sunday, February 18, 2007

Ok class was in session, er just starting when Master Kenobi and Master Yoda came in to visit. I was late and and oh man was I gonna be in trouble this time! Or at least so I thought so... I decided to pull off a quick one by entering the class backwards with the head cover down over my face. Well at least they wouldn't laugh at my hair that day! I smiled as I entered the class trying to pull it off like I had been there early.
Jaanse, wasnt too impressed but, Jukesi was entranced by how I played it off. Jukesi whispered "Good one Belda, I dont think they saw you." I nodded and said "Shhhhh. If they catch me, I'll be doing K.P. for the next few weeks!" I wasn't about to make a scene. So I quietly slipped into the very back of the class and pretened to like nothing was wrong.
Well that nearly worked until Jiimy asked me " Belda why are you back there with us?" "Sssshhhhh, I cam in late and didn't want to get into trouble again." I replied for what seemed to be kinda became repeative and annoying. I almost wanted to hide behind the drapery in hopes to not become noticed. I stood there and attempted to look like I was paying attention. The instructor was talking about How we can use the Force to guide our actions I began to daydream about the dance the other night.. All I could think about was his warm cheek, and how he told me to come over to him and kiss his cheek. I began to blush a bright red as I thought more and more about it.

What brought me out of it was Master Yoda tapped the floor near me with his cane and was apperently not impressed with what I apperently was doing. I had gotten so wrapped up into the day dreaming that my lips had puckered up. I turend a bright red with embarassment when I realized I had dozed off in class again. I was in so much trouble! Master Yoda didnt say anyhting to me in calss but after class I was given the long lecture of how we should be mindful! I lucked out in not having extra work to have to do for dozing off. After all this was my first time getting caught.

Thursday, February 15, 2007

Just a quick thank you for all who came to the Dance

Well I wanted to thank everyone who came to the Big Dance last night. It was a huge sucess! Even though we came across some dificult situations, they were handles smoothly by the Council, and Jedi Knights. Thank you Sir Elf Prince for comming by and nearly risking your life to save myself and my fellow Jedi, thank you for the Rose and the daggar. I wanted to especially thank the Senators who came by and graced us with their presence.Thank you Supreme Chancelor (though I dont reacall seeing you) for comming by. What a lovely dance it was. Thank you DJ, for keeping the hits spinning, thank you orchastra for keeping me on my tippy toes. Thank you caterors for the food and drinks. And who can forget Lord Vader, thank you for allowing me to give you my first kiss... And Master Kenobi, there still is no baby in my tummy. Master Yoda, I loved your costume! I loved everyones costumes... The Elf Prince, Romeo and Juliet, Silver Entrantress, The Brat Prince, Master Kriss, you looked lovely as always! Master Adana, you looked stunning too! Innocent, You were awesome! All of the costumes were so lovely. It was such a stary night... It was so entrancing... It would be awesome if we could do this again sometime! Thank you all who came... Sorry if I forgot to mention you...

Sunday, February 11, 2007

Updated Dance Time!

Hello there Just a correction the Dance time has changed! Please make sure to check it out. Dance starts here at 4pmPST/ 7pmEST. Same day and place. See you there....

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Hello there from the Jedi Temple, We will be having a Dance!

The Dance will be at:

My Chat Box on my blog site...



4:00pm PST/ 7:00pm EST


Feb 14th, 2007

Come in costume, dress to impress!
We'll be expecting you!

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Picture day

Well, someone finially caught me on camera... So now you all know what I look like.

Friday, January 19, 2007

All I have is this very Holopic of her and the memory of us going into the Jedi Council chambers. I wonder what happened to her, and where she may be? I wonder where she is. I go to my room every day and await for a message or something to tell me what has become of her. I do find it awfully strange that all the sudden she is missing. The last time I heard from her was around the beginning of the year. Then nothing. I wondered if my little escapade last month of going off with someone had detoured the event of Master CeCe Denowai becoming my Master.

Recently I have been just wondering the Temple looking everywhere for her, asking the other Jedi if they had seen her anywhere's and the common answer is "Sorry, little Belda... No I have not..." I even tried to Holo her... I am not sure what to do. I still would love to have her as my Master.

I figure she must be on a secret assignment. I often imagine that I can see what she must be seeing. I still feel her Force around here so I know she's alive and ok.

Life here at the Temple has been better as of recently. That scary Phantom evil guy is gone. My friends Master Phobia, Master Kriss, Master Skywalker, Master Adana one night helped me chase him away forever. It was spectacular, err at least I was told. I had been knocked unconscious just before the fight erupted. I'm told Master Phobia and Master Skywalker fought this Phantom valiantly! I awoke to a lot of smoke and Master Phobia on the floor. She recovered from her wounds. Master Kriss stood by me and Master Adana used the Force to awaken both Master Phobia and myself. I wish I had been awake to see Master Phobia and Master Skywalker fighting. Of all the times for me to be passed out cold! Anyways every since then, I haven't had the horrible nightmares... Thank you Master Phobia, Master Skywalker, Master Kriss, Master Adana for helping me. Other than that life at the Jedi temple is back to normal....

Master CeCe, if your still out there, please contact me? Let me know your ok...